Once you've master YouTube and are uploading compelling videos, how do you distinguish yourself amongst a sea of users?
By Peter Ricci
In our second story in our series on YouTube marketing, we looked at how real estate agents could harness the fabulously popular medium and successfully tailor it to their real estate business, highlighting the core requirements of a good YouTube video.
But once you have that aspect down, how can you further distinguish yourself on YouTube, given how many people use it on a daily (if not minute-by-minute) basis? In this final article on our YouTube series, here are three straightforward ways to give your YouTube presence some personality and stand out from the crowd.
Distinguishing Yourself with YouTube Marketing
1. Be Findable! YouTube marketing is one of the very finest ways to communicate your strengths as a real estate professional, but it won’t do you much good if nobody is seeing your videos! And as Rich Brooks highlighted on Social Media Examiner, the most important way to gain viewers will be through optimizing your videos for Google.
Don’t worry, it’s quite easy. First, when you title your video, make sure you have your main keywords (what the video is about) as the first words in your video; you may also consider using your keyword, adding a colon, and rephrasing the title for additional effect (such as, “Homebuying Tips: 4 Things Homebuyers Should Know”). Second, when entering the description for your video, begin the description with a URL (preferably to your own website), and then describe the heck out of your video, filling it with real estate-related keywords; that’ll be great for Google.
And finally, use tags mercilessly; it’s through tags that YouTube users are able to find videos when using the search option, so include at least 10 to 15 tags when posting each video (from the basic to the specific; so real estate, homebuying, open houses, etc.)
2. Brand Your Channel: Another great point Brooks makes is that you can brand your channel, which is the central HUB that users can visit to view all of your videos in one spot. The generic look that YouTube gives your channel is fine, but it’s a bit bland and boring, so consider sprucing it up by uploading a background image or choosing an interesting layout for the page.
3. Spread the Word: Once you have your videos posted, be sure to share them with just about any medium you can get your hands on. Arguably the strongest benefit of Internet video is its versatility, and a quick ride through the social media channels alone will give your videos great exposure: from Facebook, to Twitter, to Pinterest, to Tumblr, to your own personal website and/or blog, it’s alarmingly easy to post your videos on other channels and in front of more and more eyeballs, and when you actively spread the word about your videos, you’ll further distinguish yourself as a YouTube impressario.
Those are our three, but are there any that we’ve missed? Have you found other ways to distinguish your Internet video efforts? Let us know in the comments section!