Jason Forrest is a sales professional, author, professional speaker, and consultant to homebuilders.
By Jason Forrest
“Nothing frustrates me more than sloppy football.”
—Bill Walsh
The mark of an x factor is the belief that you are in control of your future – the captain of your ship. The determining factor in whether a prospect becomes a sale; or a sale becomes a referral; or a brokerage becomes a national success. “X” factors take responsibility for their own lives and successes.
“X” factor attributes for brokers and agents include focusing on their own performance (and that of their teams); celebrating “x” factor sales; and building an “x” factor culture.
While they do want these details to be in line with the market, an x factor broker or agent doesn’t get overly focused on the packaging, promotion and product. They know it’s a necessary part of the business, but what really gets their motors running is perfecting their process and presentation (and that of their team). They know that if circumstances bring them 20 percent of the market, then their superior people, process and presentation will bring them even more.
That additional percentage comes from “x” factor sales – the ones that are above and beyond (or despite) what the market provides. While x factor brokers and agents appreciate every sale, they only celebrate “x” factor sales. They are not okay with getting by on market sales when contracts are coming in easily and they’re not okay with blaming market conditions when the contracts are not coming in so easily.
Building an “x” factor culture requires demonstration of everything above. It means taking ownership and responsibility for yourself and passing the same attitude along to those around you. It also means providing and/or taking advantage of opportunities and training that helps sharpen skills and increase the “x” factor advantage.
If you only celebrate the sales that you have to work your tail off for, you might be an “x” factor. If you take every opportunity to improve your own skills, you might be an “x” factor. If you see yourself as the only one responsible for your own victory or defeat, you’re definitely an “x” factor.
Jason Forrest is the author of Creating Urgency in a Non-Urgent Housing Market and 40-Day Sales Dare for New Home Sales. He is also regular featured speaker at leading professional builder association events and national conferences and is a member of the National Speakers Association’s Million Dollar Speakers Group. Learn more at www.forrestpg.com.