As recent college graduates set their sites on jobs across the country and former grads weigh the pros and cons of staying put versus moving to a new location for better pay and cheaper rent – these young professionals are still coveting jobs in places like New York or Los Angeles.
But as the job market and the cost of living are on a constant wave of uncertainty, many millennials (ages 25 to 34) are starting to consider different cities or neighborhoods for reasons beyond the traditional cache. – a site that provides data and anecdotal information from the behaviors, preferences and decision-making of millennials since 2002 – analyzed the data of cities and metro areas with one million residents or more from the U.S Census, FBI and surveys from nearly half a million college students and graduates from over the past four years.
Factors examined for the list included percentages of the population identified as millennials, median income, education level and racial diversity as well as nightlife, cultural attractions, shopping, and professional sports.
The ranking also favored low median rents, employment rates, crime rates and within the cities, a similar subset of factors was used to determine the best neighborhood for millennials.
“The economic climate right now is difficult for recent college grads,” director of business development Mark Tressler told Forbes. ” With a ranking like this we’re combining the fun stuff with more practical things like safety and the unemployment rate. It’s a good balance of what you need to think about when you’re starting to get serious about life beyond college.”
Ranked as number 21, Houston holds 15 percent of millennials between the ages of 25-34. The best neighborhood being Midtown with a crime rate average. The median rent was $860 and the income was $28,306. The representative college was the University of Houston.
Check out the full list here.