2019 Association VIP: Shannon Cobb Evans, HAR

by Kerrie Kennedy

Shannon Cobb Evans has been building lifelong relationships with her clients one transaction at a time for more than 35 years. This serial top producer and award winner is in the business to represent the best interests of her clients, which she accomplishes with a positive attitude, full-time attention, and expert communicating, problem-solving, and contract negotiating skills. In turn, she consistently receives the highest customer ratings.

A native Houstonian and second-generation REALTOR®, Shannon was trained for success by her mother Vonnie Cobb, a real estate trailblazer. Consequently, Shannon has excelled in every capacity of the industry including sales, management, training, and as a broker-owner. She gives back to the profession with ongoing service in numerous state and local leadership positions and is proud to have been chosen by her peers as the 2018 chair-elect of the Houston Association of REALTORS®. Shannon supports the Star of Hope Mission, the SPCA and the Houston Food Bank among other community organizations. In her free time, she enjoys reading, hiking, and cooking.

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  • Allison says:

    Yay Shannon! Super cool, super fun, super smart.

  • Chuck Finnell says:

    Thank You for all you do for the Houston Association of Realtors Shannon!

  • Nancy Furst says:

    Congratulations SUNSHINE! So well deserved! Love you !

  • Deborah says:

    Shannon makes us Houston proud! She sets an example for all of her association members to follow, leading with integrity, honesty, and a sincere commitment to caring about the people she serves. She is definitely a winner to us!

  • Deborah Spangler says:

    Shannon makes us Houston proud! She sets an example for all of her association members to follow, leading with integrity, honesty, and a sincere commitment to caring about the people she serves. She is definitely a winner to us!

  • Sheryl Hunter says:

    Congratulations Shannon!

  • Barbara Lee Cochran says:

    Congrats Shannon,
    We are all so proud of you! Thank you for all you do for us.
    Barbara Lee

  • Jane W Caldwell says:

    Congratulions Shannon!!

  • Leonard Strickland says:

    I want to sell my house and buy another one. Like to speak with Shannon- use to be her plumber-Lenny Strickland
    Strick-ly plumbing

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