How the Houston Association of Realtors fuels success through education and professional development

by LaTisha Grant

In the fast-paced and ever-changing world of real estate, continuous learning is key to staying competitive and successful. The Houston Association of Realtors (HAR.com) is committed to providing its 48,000 members with the tools and resources necessary for ongoing success. Central to this mission is HAR’s comprehensive suite of educational and professional development offerings, designed to cater to the diverse needs of real estate professionals at every stage of their careers.

A multitude of learning platforms

Understanding that flexibility is crucial for busy professionals, HAR offers education through a variety of platforms. Whether you prefer the immediacy of live, in-person courses, the convenience of virtual training or the flexibility of self-paced learning, HAR has something to suit every possible need. That includes webinars, Facebook Live sessions, and large-scale events, such as networking lunches and meetings ensure that members can access learning opportunities at times that fit their schedules, including during the day, evenings and weekends.

Catering to all experience levels

The commitment to inclusivity in education is a hallmark of HAR’s Professional Development division. Whether you’re a new agent just starting out or a seasoned professional with over 20 years of experience, HAR offers courses and training tailored to your specific needs. This inclusive approach ensures that all members benefit from the latest industry knowledge and skills, regardless of their experience level.

Staying ahead with cutting-edge topics

HAR prides itself on staying at the forefront of industry developments, offering courses on cutting-edge topics such as artificial intelligence (AI), risk mitigation and cyber threats. These subjects are increasingly relevant in today’s digital world, where technology is reshaping the real estate landscape. HAR’s recent Technology Summit, for instance, was a groundbreaking event aimed at educating members on how to leverage innovation to provide greater value to consumers. This proactive approach ensures that HAR members are always ahead of the curve.

HAR Platinum: A superior toolkit for success

Beyond education, HAR also provides a superior package of tools for its members through the HAR Platinum program. This premium package is packed with a variety of products designed to enhance the professional capabilities of real estate agents. Members enjoy access to a robust rating system, a comprehensive marketing platform, an enhanced website, branded apps and more. These tools are specifically designed to help Realtors streamline their operations, increase their visibility and build stronger relationships with clients. The HAR Platinum package ensures that members have everything they need to succeed in a highly competitive industry.

Advocacy and inclusivity

Advocacy remains a cornerstone of HAR’s mission. Through grassroots, member-driven initiatives, HAR actively stands up for private property rights and promotes access to homeownership for all. Additionally, HAR’s partnerships with various alliance groups ensure that all members have access to learning opportunities in an inclusive environment. This dedication to inclusivity and advocacy underscores HAR’s commitment to supporting every member of the real estate community.

Addressing affordable housing

With affordable housing posing a significant challenge in today’s market, HAR offers monthly webinars, classes and an annual Housing Symposium to equip members with the knowledge and tools needed to help consumers navigate these challenges. These educational offerings provide valuable insights into identifying products and services that can aid in achieving homeownership, thereby empowering real estate professionals to better serve their clients.

Specialized training and designations

For those looking to specialize or earn additional designations, HAR provides a range of classes in a cost-effective and accessible manner. The Shift for Success webinar series, for example, connects members with subject matter experts who guide them through the latest industry trends and business skills necessary for growth and prosperity. The newly established, 10-week Business Management Program also offers members with superior education on business related tactics. These specialized training sessions allow members to hone their expertise and stand out in the competitive real estate market.

The reality of real estate

HAR has also launched the “Reality of Real Estate” landing page, a valuable resource for both Realtors and consumers. This platform provides insights into the critical role that Realtors play in the transaction process, emphasizing their value and expertise. By educating the public and reinforcing the importance of professional real estate services, HAR helps to elevate the industry.


Through its comprehensive education and professional development programs, the Houston Association of Realtors is dedicated to fostering the success of its members. By offering diverse learning platforms, addressing the latest industry topics, advocating for homeownership, and promoting inclusivity, HAR ensures that its members are well-equipped to excel in their careers. For more information on HAR’s educational opportunities, please visit har.com/education.

LaTisha Grant is chair of the Houston Association of Realtors’ Professional Development Advisory Group.

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