How to grow your business to include investor clients

by Houston Agent

Working with investor clients as an agent can be very lucrative. Investors are quick, decisive, and have growing portfolios. Additionally, real estate investors often have extensive networks of other investors, increasing your opportunity for referrals. Savvy agents know that referrals are king when searching for high-quality clients.  

Investor clients offer unique benefits. So how do you find real estate investors and tailor your business to their needs?  

How to find investors  


Investors are a social crowd, and there’s no shortage of real estate investor meetups, associations, and conferences to network with potential clients. You can find your local groups through a quick Google search, Meetup, social media or by joining your local real estate investors association. Don’t forget to bring business cards and make sure you’re respecting each group’s guidelines. 


Ask your existing clients for referrals. Most property investors find their realtors through their immediate network, so this is a great way to find loyal, vetted clients. You could also offer a referral incentive like a gift card to a local restaurant.  

Digital marketing 

Leverage your website, social media (Facebook and Instagram are recommended), and invest in a CRM. If you’re active in multiple places online, investor clients will be able to find you easily. It helps to interact with other real estate professionals online to boost your chances of landing on a potential client’s algorithm.  

Tips for working with investors  

Tailor your knowledge to your client’s goals   

Get to know your client’s unique goals. There’s no shortage of investing niches, like mid-term rentals and 1031 Exchanges. You’ll want to make sure you understand what your client is looking for and why so you can find properties that fit their needs. This will help you advise and suggest deals they may not have considered, positioning you as an expert and valuable member of their team.  

Now that you know your client’s goals, make sure you know everything about the market. This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s especially important with investor clients as they will look to you for information on what a good deal will look like and what outside factors will impact a property’s appreciation like new developments or an influx of job opportunities. Investors will want to know what they can charge for rent, annual taxes, and estimated maintenance costs so they can determine cash flow. You can use this rental property calculator to quickly assess the cash flow of a property.  

Provide quality referrals 

Beyond advice on finding a deal, investors will also turn to you for next steps with their new investment property or recommendations for service providers. Great real estate agents are prepared to provide quality referrals for contractors, real estate attorneys, insurance providers, and more. Some agents provide packets to their clients full of information, referrals, and special offers. Don’t fall behind by not offering this service.  

The most common question you’ll receive from an investor client is the next step for managing their new investment property. Renting out a property has a lot of moving parts like finding reliable tenants, lease drafting, and rent collection. Usually investors choose between self-management or hiring a property manager. Be prepared to provide the pros and cons of each option and referrals for both. TurboTenant is an affordable option for new and experienced investors. It’s free for many important tools, like rental advertising and screening, but also offers a low-cost plan for those who prefer an upgrade. They even provide a special discount for realtors to share with their clients 

Building a resource packet for your clients has more perks than one. If you’re referring your clients to local businesses, it’s easy to develop a relationship and have them do the same, increasing your sphere of influence.  


Working with investor clients is a great opportunity to grow your business, increasing your yearly income. Don’t forget that investors are looking for someone who’s an expert in their market and can move a deal forward quickly. Doing so will help your business reach new heights.  

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