The 3 Traits of a Great Real Estate Networker

by Peter Thomas Ricci

Networking is an essential trait in real estate, and there are universal strengths that all networkers share.


Good networking skills are, to put it mildly, essential in the world of real estate. Active, agressive networking with fellow real estate professionals and consumers not only allows your real estate business to thrive, but it also offers you additional experiences to learn and refine your business.

So with that in mind, here are the three traits that all great networkers share:

1. They are Engaging, but Respectful – Great networkers are engaging personalities, the type of people that can sustain conversations with little more than a topic and their interest in that topic; that being said, though, they are also respectful, the type who make eye contact, listen intently and provide compliments to their fellow conversationalists. Networking is all about creating value, and great networkers show their value while simultaneously making their acquaintances feel valued. So though you may have an awesome development of condos that you’re looking to sell, or are on the lookout for a certain kind of single-family home for your client, don’t let that fact obscure the individual you’re networking with.

2. They are Genuine and Sincere – Let’s face it, networking gets a bad rap in some circles, with many seeing it as insincere, pretentious, even manipulative. Indeed, consumers are quite wary of sales-based industries, with real estate and other sales careers coming in low on the ethical scale.

Great networkers, though, cut through all of those negative perceptions, and show themselves to whomever they are communicating with that they are unique, genuine and sincere about their message. Of course, this does not mean acting as though you are genuine and sincere! Rather, you’ll want to pursue people and topics of conversation that legitimately interest you, which brings us to our final point…

3. They are Selective – Great networkers are prolific in the number of people they communicate with, but that’s not because they attend every single  networking event that takes place in our fine city. Instead, they are selective about what events and gatherings they choose to attend, focusing on the events that are the most complementary to their real estate business, events that will, in turn, feature the most complementary individuals for their business. So if you work in new construction, for instance,, focus more on new construction events, and even delve a little deeper and scout out events for your specific disciplines and clientele.

All networking situations are unique, with different people, topics and interactions taking place, and it would behoove any agent to disregard any “one size fits all” model; however, by approaching those situations in an engaging, sincere way – and doing so within the right climate – you’ll be well on your way to a successful networking experience.

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