Highest-Priced Home in U.S. Sells for $85 Million

by Houston Agent

Once regarded as the highest-priced home in the U.S. with a price tag of $150 million, the former Los Angeles County home of Candy Spelling has sold for a drastically reduced price of $85 million (43 percent less) after two years on the market, according to Realtor Magazine.

“The Manor is a 57,000 square-foot castle of a home containing somewhere in the neighborhood of 123 rooms (we’re not sure; even the builders probably lost count), 27 bathrooms, a beauty salon, “gift-wrapping” rooms, and even a bowling alley. (And not the plastic type you had as a kid – the real deal.) The garage – bigger than most normal homes – has room for 100 vehicles. The double staircase in the entryway of the home was inspired by the movie Gone With the Wind. Throw in a professionally-manicured monster of a back yard and you have an extremely lavish and luxurious place to hang your hat,” said Business Insider.

Realtor Magazine also says the home has a flower-cutting room and a humidity-controlled silver storage room.

The home, which is “about 1,500 square feet larger than the White House,” was purchased by 22-year-old Petra Ecclestone, whose family was 254th on Forbes’ current list of wealthiest people. The home is rumored to be a part-time home for the English heiress, who also owns a $90.9 million six-story home in London.

Despite the record-setting listing price, the home’s final selling price still falls below the highest home price sale of $100 million, for the sale of a single-family home in Silicon Valley, which occurred earlier this year.

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