Truth About Agents

Our annual Truth About Agents report examines compensation, training priorities, client profiles, new construction, real estate teams and more.

Real estate professionals weigh in on training, marketing, compensation and more.

This annual survey is a chance to hear from a cross-section of Houston real estate professionals to find out what’s happening in our industry. Check out what they had to say!

In the rapidly changing Houston real estate industry, success hinges on mastering the local market. But as brokers focus their attention on providing the greatest insight for their clients, staying tuned in to what’s happening in the industry itself can be an even greater challenge. That’s why we publish Truth About Agents every year.

Women agents dominate the Houston real estate industry three to one, according to the results of our annual survey.

See how your career stats align with the our Houston respondents.

Many Houston agents predict it will be more difficult for clients to obtain a home loan in the coming year.

The majority of agents working on a team reported an increase in income.

Learn how much Houston agents currently spend on marketing.

Most managing brokers in Houston are also active as sales agents, our survey finds.

Which areas do Houston agents want more training in? Our respondents share their thoughts.

Most Houston agents expect their income to grow in the coming year. Find out how your earnings compare.