What was your first job in the realty industry? I jumped head first into real estate as a Realtor. I knew it was what I wanted to do and nothing was going to stop me. It was truly sink or swim, and I love to swim!
What do you do to relax when you’re stressed? When I get stressed out, it is usually because I am in need of some family time. I love nothing more than hanging out with our grown children and our grandsons. Getting everyone together, cooking a nice meal and having everyone at the table, that is my bliss.
Where did you grow up? My family lived in Houston until the crash in the ’80s, then my parents and I moved to St. Croix, USVI. Believe it or not, I didn’t want to go! I was a teenager who was very proud to be a native Houstonian, so I wore my Rocky Mountain jeans and my Justin Ropers for the trip. It wasn’t until I got off the plane in St. Croix that I realized what a mistake my defiant clothing choice had been. I absolutely loved it there and have gone back many times. But Houston is and will always be my home.
Growing up, what did you want to be? I wanted to sing and act. I grew up singing with my parents in church and so theater was a natural progression for me. I studied theater arts at Sam Houston State University, but soon realized, family was more important to me than fighting my way for that one big break in a city I didn’t want to live in. I still absolutely love the theater, and I intend to go back one day but at a local level.
If you could have lunch with a well-known figure (living or not), who would it be? I would love to sit down with Lucile Ball!! She was my inspiration for so many things. Obviously theater, but she was a savvy business woman as well. Talk about branding yourself!! She just amazed me! She kept pushing forward and accomplished more than she ever imagined. I don’t think she knew what the word “no” meant.
Where is your favorite place to hang out? Our back yard. We love relaxing in our back yard with family, great friends and a good glass of wine!
What do you love most about the industry? I love helping people. I know that sounds so cliche’, but I really do. The first part of my life wasn’t all sunshine and daisies. I know what it’s like to want a place to call your own for you and your family. To have all the kids heights marked up the trim on the closet door frame. To make memories with your family and have a safe place to lay your head at night. It isn’t always about the next best decorating trend you see on TV. For some families, owning a home is a dream they thought would never come true. Families like this really pull at my heart strings. I love to help them make their dreams a reality.
I also love helping people navigate their way to greater wealth. The sale or purchase of a home, for most people, is the greatest financial decision they will make. They need someone who will work hard for them and do their best to safeguard their investment.
How do you distinguish yourself from the crowd of agents? Authenticity. I am pretty real. I don’t try to be pretentious and shove my resume and accolades down my clients’ throats. My job is to listen, share, solve and simplify. I like to have a hands on approach. I don’t have an assistant. My clients become my friends. I truly care about them and they know that. A referral from a past client is worth more to me than anything a marketing campaign could bring.
What is the most difficult aspect of your job? I haven’t really hit a “most difficult” part of my job yet. I think that when you love what you do, you don’t see the challenges as ominous, but adventurous!
Where do you go to network and meet new clients? Most of my new clients come from past clients and people that know me. I never meet a stranger and always try to help people. Being authentic works. I went into a gas station once to get a drink and left with the owner’s information to sell him property to expand his business.
What has been your greatest accomplishment? Personally, my family. In my business, you will probably laugh, but it was the sale of a $13,000 piece of property up at Lake Livingston. My clients wanted this property so bad and it wasn’t for sale and we couldn’t find out who the owner was, so I went door knocking. I knocked on doors until someone answered and I got the information needed. In the end, we got the deal done and both parties were very happy.
What was the last good movie you saw or book you read? My most recent read was “The Compound Effect” by Darren Hardy. It is an easy read and really good. It is one of those books that reminds you of just how easy it is to be successful. You just have to be disciplined and patient. I love movies! I could never pick just one. My favorite movie is Pride and Prejudice, but I love the Bourne movies too!
What is your favorite restaurant? My favorite restaurant is a local place in Oak Ridge called Palotta’s. The chicken Sausalito is to die for!
Architecturally speaking, what is your favorite building in Miami? The Bank of America Center is probably my favorite. It brings back fond memories – my children used to call it the “3 Bears” building. Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Baby Bear.
What kind of car do you drive? I drive a 12-year-old Infiniti. I love that car! But this year, you may just see me in a Cadillac!
Smartphone or paper? Both!
What is your favorite city after Houston? Christianstead, St. Croix, USVI
In 10 words or less, what is your advice for someone new to the industry? Commit, and then DO NOT QUIT!
What’s your favorite real estate iPhone/Android app? Title Snap – it’s a quick and easy way to give my clients an estimate of what they will need to bring to closing and what their monthly payments will be.
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