What was your most interesting job before going into real estate?
I held one sales job prior to being licensed. I was selling and designing high end, luxury suits to some of Houston’s most wealthy men. They would come into the showroom, I’d pour them a nice glass of scotch and they would flip through fabric books and design their suits and sports coats from top to bottom. I even had a client fly me out to Miami to make clothing for his entire team at their annual awards event.
Where did you grow up?
I grew up in the Houston area, in the small but growing town of Needville.
Growing up, what did you want to be?
When I realized being a professional cheerleader wasn’t an option, I always had my sites set on selling real estate.
What do you do to relax when you’re stressed?
I go for a walk! There’s nothing like the sun on your skin and fresh air in your lungs to help you reset. I can come back from a 20 minute walk as a new person!
If you could meet any well-known figure (living or not), who would it be and why?
Michael Jordan. It is absolutely incredible to me how someone can be so disciplined at their craft, and I’d die to sit down with him for an hour and ask questions about how he did it. When someone is that undeniably good at their profession, there’s a lot to learn no matter what that profession is.
What is Houston’s best kept secret?
Our food scene is severely underrated. I’ve lived in both Dallas and Austin and can confidently say Houston outranks them from a culinary perspective. Another hidden gem from a real estate perspective is a town called San Leon. It has a lot of growing to do, but you’re able to get waterfrontage for a fraction of the cost of Galveston. I think it’ll blow up in the coming years.
What do you love most about the industry?
I love the relationships I’ve created, not just with clients but with fellow agents. I am lucky enough to run a team, and watching my agents grow and thrive and achieve their goals and give their family a beautiful life leaves me so grateful and speechless. Some of best friends are agents I’ve met along the way, and the number of networks I’m apart of with the pure goal of helping one another is inspiring.
What is the most difficult aspect of your job?
I think I struggle the most with helping clients face harsh realities. I feel like such a dream crusher when I have to help a new client recognize that a five-bedroom, three-bathroom, 4000-square-foot home likely doesn’t exist for $200,000. Or when telling a couple going through a divorce trying to make ends meet that their home has $50,000 less in market value than they were hoping for. I do what I do to help people and I recognize the difficult conversations are ultimately a part of that. But it doesn’t make it any less difficult!
What’s your best advice for generating new leads?
Treat your people well. Give your clients an amazing experience. Find a way to let people know you’re grateful for their business and you want to earn it. It will all come back around when you do this methodically and intentionally.
What are you binge-watching/reading/listening to?
I’m a big audiobook gal, so currently listening to “The Drama of the Gifted Child.” I am also staying up until about 2 a.m. every night binge watching “Outlander.” I strongly recommend it — the BEST series I’ve ever watched.
What’s your favorite meal in Houston?
The tri-tip with sticky rice at Nancy’s Hustle would probably have to be it, and that meal isn’t complete without one of their dumplings as a starter. But the crawfish étouffée at Eunice is a close second.
Architecturally speaking, what is your favorite building in Houston?
I don’t know that I have one favorite building, but Houston Heights is by far my favorite area architecturally. I love historic homes and the amount of character all of those houses still have.
What’s the weirdest thing that’s ever happened to you on the job?
I was doing a virtual showing for a client out of state, so I had them on FaceTime walking through the home. When I turned the corner to show them a bedroom, there were people sleeping in the bed. I have never run so quickly, or quietly, far far away.
What’s one thing people might be surprised to learn about you?
I’m actually a huge introvert. No one could ever guess, and I think that’s because I’ve done so much work and training in the sales field. But social settings, even simple showings, truly wear me out and the way I recharge is being alone and in the peace and quiet.
What is your favorite vacation spot and why?
If I had to choose a quick trip I’d never get tired of making, it’s Cabo. I love being able to fully disconnect and have no where to go and nothing to do other than sip piña coladas, eat good food and stare at the waves crashing.
In 10 words or less, what is your advice for someone new to the industry?
Commit and don’t give up until you make it.
Who are your favorite people to follow on social media?
I’m the biggest fan of @stayawhiledesigns. She remodels homes in the Houston Bay Area and she’s one of the most talented people I’ve ever seen. She will have her own TV show one day, mark my words. @commission.co has a really helpful “what’s in, what’s out” series that I love to learn from. Also Amanda Albrecht, who’s incredibly creative and has given me so many idea to level up our team’s marketing game.
What are your social media handles?
Facebook: Rylie Schroeder
Instagram: @rybabess