New listings rise 12% annually in Houston

by Emily Marek

via HAR

New listings remained their stronghold over 2023 volumes during the 20th week of the year, according to the latest Weekly Activity Snapshot from the Houston Association of REALTORS® (HAR).

Realtors entered 3,543 properties into the MLS during the week, a 12% increase over the same week in 2023, when 3,164 new listings joined the market.

Despite sustained inventory growth, closings and pending listings both declined annually. Pending listings fell 12.2%, with 2,172 properties going under contract, while closings fell 5.8%, with 1,830 homes sold.

Traffic at property showings also decreased by 10.1% annually, although listing views on HAR.com increased by 19.1% year over year.

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