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Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac released earnings and inventory statistics a couple days ago, and the data suggested a substantial decline in REO properties for the GSEs. Counting FHA properties, the GSE’s REO inventories decreased to 226,961 at the
The Champions office of Prudential Gary Greene, Realtors raised more than $33,000 for the Sunshine Kids Foundation, a nonprofit that provides free emotional support and group activities to young cancer patients, at the “Fall Fest at the River” event
Property management company RealManage won at the 2011 Houston Awards in the Real Estate Managers category. The company was chosen as the winner by the U.S. Commerce Association
Speculations of the Federal Reserve’s coming quarterly report entail fears that the European debt crisis may have a strong, adverse impact on foreign bank lending in the United States. The fourth quarter senior loan officer survey report, which is
The federal government’s long-awaited revisions to the Home Affordable Refinance Program, or HARP 2.0 as it’s been called by the press, primarily work through offering underwater homeowners a chance to refinance their loans, but recent agreements between the government
The National Association of Realtors (NAR) recently worked alongside policy leaders, industry representatives, congress members and the media in an effort to present ideas and formulate recommendations on a strategy to aid the housing market, create jobs and stimulate
Mortgage debts took a turn for the better in the third quarter, as Freddie Mac reported that a large amount of refinancing homeowners were able to either maintain or reduce their mortgage debts. In total, 82 percent of homeowners
We all know housing is tough, right now. Media sources abound with new lows in construction, mortgage filings and existing-home sales. New data from JPMorgan Chase, though, as pinpointed by Investment News’ Jeff Benjamin, suggests that pent-up demand from potential
It’s been the saga of fall, with enough twists and turns to pilot a TV miniseries. First, the ceiling on federal loan limits fell on Oct. 1, ending a three-year expansion that raised the limit for FHA and other
CoreLogic released its latest Home Price Index, or HPI, earlier today, showing that home values declined on a month-to-month basis for the second straight time from August to September. Though the Case-Shiller Home Price Index, which is released the
Fannie Mae’s latest National Housing Surveyfinds homeowners in the U.S. are still uncertain about the future of housing and the economy, though a couple of indicators did maintain their numbers and resist declines. Conducted via telephone, the survey polled
The U.S. Department of the Treasury and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released the October edition of the Obama Administration Housing Scorecard, a detailed report on the nation’s housing
Contrary to popular belief, first-time homebuyers are indeed alive and kicking; buying homes at essentially the same rate as they were before the first-time homebuyers credit stimulated demand two years ago. Data suggests that rates could be higher, however, if
According to the third quarter National Housing Survey conducted by Fannie Mae, there may be a correlation between consumer attitudes and personal experience. Results found pessimistic responses regarding the economy from those who know someone who has defaulted on
ActiveRain, the social networking site for Realtors, is more than a “Facebook for agents;” rather, it’s an important professional networking resource, one that can introduce agents to scores of valuable industry contacts. As such, it’s valuable to optimize your presence
According to a report from Reuters, recent comments by Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Shaun Donovan suggest that the government is considering new rounds of refinancing aid for American homeowners, beyond the recent revisions to the Home