How Google Analytics can help you boost sales

by Karina Sanchez

Google Analytics can make marketing and business decisions easier for real estate agents, while helping them spend money more effectively.

The analytics application is free to use, and unlike other software, it can improve performance across all of your sites, apps and offline marketing. With the software, agents can set up goals, create reports and start making better decisions for their business.

The trick to getting the best out of your Google Analytics account is to know how exactly the service is helping you boost your sales. Here are just a few ways how the software can benefit your sales, according to the National Association of Home Builders:

Understanding your target market – Google Analytics gives you useful visitor demographic data. When clients search for your company on their phone and are logged into social networking sites, the software can collect their demographic data, and combine it with their user behavior. With this information you can see who your target market is, and adjust your content to appeal to them.

Overviewing traffic sources – Computerized geographic data allows you to see the locations that drive your website traffic. This can be useful for agents who want to see if the locations they serve are the source of most of their website traffic.

Tracking your conversions – Google Analytics allows you to see your website’s user activity and analyze how people are engaging with its content. Your reports shows conversion rates, which are the percentage of visitors who called your sales center, filled out an online form or clicked on the directions to your office.

Measuring behavior flow – You are able to see which pages your clients frequently visit and the order in which they visit them. This information can reveal what your clients want to know first before filling out a contact form.

Providing page data – Along with allowing you to see the user’s path, Google Analytics will highlight the most popular pages on your site. With this information, you can analyze overall page engagement and see which pages need work. When you know how long a visiter stays on a page before clicking out of it, you can determine what content on your website might need the most improvement.

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