Can you show clients what makes you stand out?

by Jef Conn

Like so many other industries, the real estate business is always evolving, and technology has only increased the pace of change. It has never been more important to keep up with trends while differentiating yourself as a professional who brings clients the services they need.

Below are three challenges REALTORS® are currently facing and ways to build credibility and confidence among buyers and sellers:

It’s noisy out there

Buyers and sellers are being inundated with ads, phone calls, videos and online platforms promising to help them conduct their real estate transactions without a real estate agent. In many cases, the information is misleading, incorrect or too generic to help.

To stay relevant, though, you must cut through all the noise being thrown at consumers all day, every day. Ask your prospects what they care about most, and show them how you are uniquely qualified to meet those needs. This could be through your training, certifications, experience, knowledge of the local market, your niche, or even something about your personality that differentiates you.

You also must provide the best customer service possible. This is less about managing transactions and more about building personal relationships. Don’t miss a chance to tell your story and prove why buyers and sellers should work with you.

Consumers are confused on what has changed

As the updated rules for broker compensation take effect this month, there is a lot of misinformation swirling around about the effects on the process for buying and selling real estate. That makes things murky for clients.

REALTORS® need to set the record straight while zeroing in on what we do for clients to ensure compensation transparency. This is also an excellent time to remind your contacts that REALTORS® pledge to uphold a strict Code of Ethics, and that we always put the client’s interests first. Share the facts about the settlement (visit facts.realtor from NAR and soon to launch from Texas REALTORS®, texasrealestate.com/toolkit).

Explain that, while some of the forms and processes are changing, the outcome for your clients will not; you are dedicated to providing them the best service to achieve their real estate goals. You can also employ testimonials from past clients so prospects see someone like themselves putting their trust in you.

Everyone needs something different

Clients have differing priorities, budgets and concerns when it comes to buying or selling a home. A first-time homebuyer’s expectations may vary greatly from someone purchasing a third rental property.

You must be able to meet clients where they are in the real estate journey. The same information and communication doesn’t work for everyone. But every client appreciates the professionalism, clarity and dedication that you bring to your dealings with them. By making the experience less intimidating and giving clients the confidence they need to make informed decisions, you provide priceless peace of mind.

If you stay adaptable, communicate your strengths, and continue to offer personalized service and expertise that technology simply can’t replace, you will ensure your continued success in a competitive market.

Jef Conn, CCIM, SIOR, TACS, is the 2024 chairman for Texas REALTORS®.


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