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Real estate news in Atlanta

Will Added Competition Threaten First-Time Homebuyers?

By Peter Ricci First-time homebuyers, as any agent knows, are one of the most important demographics to a healthy real estate market, and the increasing market share of first-time homebuyers has been one of the many positive developments of

When Renting Became More Expensive Than Owning

By Peter Ricci Proponents of renting have often argued that renting is less expensive that owning, and admittedly, the argument makes sense; after all, renters do not have to worry about repairs, insurance or property taxes, among the other

NAHB’s Improving Markets Index Swells to 242

By Peter Ricci The National Association of Home Builders’ (NAHB) Improving Markets Index, a key measure of the housing markets in the U.S.’ largest metropolitan areas, rose for the fifth consecutive month in January, increasing to a total of 242

Houston Construction Activity Leads the Nation

By Peter Ricci Houston is known as the “Bayou City,” but if housing construction data from the Census Bureau for 2011 is any indicator, it should also be called the “Construction City.” Cheesy? Maybe.

Gary Greene Partners With NAHREP-Houston Chapter

By Natalie Terchek Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene has partnered with the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals-Houston Chapter (NAHREP-Houston) to help empower the Hispanic community through education and guidance by real estate

Foreigners Keen to Invest in Houston

By Joe Van Acker Move over, Beantown – Houston bumped Boston from its No. 4 spot in the nation for real estate investment dollars in the Association of Foreign Investors in Real Estate’s (AFIRE) annual

Fannie Mae National Housing Survey Reveals Great Expectations

By Joe Van Acker It looks like avoiding the apocalypse may have put consumers in the mood to buy. Americans continue to report confidence in the housing market despite concerns for their personal finances and the overall economy. Respondents to

Gary Greene Named Principal Broker of Cartus Broker Network

By Natalie Terchek Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene has been named a principal member of the Cartus Broker Network. Gary Greene has 850 agents in 21 offices throughout the Greater Houston metropolitan area, and the Cartus

Pending Home Sales Index Hits Highest Level Since April 2010

By Peter Ricci The Pending Home Sales Index showed considerable signs of life in November, increasing 9.8 percent year-over-year and hitting its highest level in more than two years, according to the latest readings by the National Association of

Asking Prices Increase 5.1 Percent in December Trulia Price Monitor

By Peter Ricci Asking prices increased 0.7 percent from November to December and 5.1 percent year-over-year in the latest Trulia Price Monitor, which studied the asking prices of for-sale homes listed on Trulia in

Top 10 Stories of 2012

What were the top attention-getting, most interesting stories of 2012? Let’s find out, shall we? We have our top 10 news stories on the next few

Top 10 Viewpoints of 2012

Viewpoints is another of our popular features that shares a successful and respected managing broker in the community’s opinions on the top issues of the week. What 10 were the most viewed by our readers? Click through to the

Top 10 Agent Snapshots of 2012

The Agent Snapshot is one of the most popular features on our site, and for good reason! It introduces our readers to the many talented, successful, smart, entertaining, driven and wonderful agents that make the Houston area real estate

How Does Geography Influence Building Materials?

By Peter Ricci Have you ever wondered by chrome seems so common in New England homes? Or why the shiny, shimmering textures of bronze always pop up in Texas dwellings? The NAHB Research Center just combed through 15 years-worth

Texas Home Prices Strong as Ever in October Case-Shiller

By Peter Ricci Texas home prices continued their strong 2012 performance in the latest Case-Shiller Home Price Indices from Standard & Poor’s, with Dallas home prices increasing by 4.6 percent year-over-year in October. Though Standard & Poor’s does not track Houston home

NAR Gives A Great Xmas Present with its Existing-Home Sales Report

By Peter Ricci There was nothing but good tidings and cheer in the National Association of Realtors’ (NAR) existing-home sales report for November, which found existing-home sales to have increased 5.9 percent from October to November and 14.5 percent

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