News / Features
Save the Date! The Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) has officially committed to a Dec. 31 end date for establishing a securitization plan for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the long-troubled GSEs that the agency is slowly winding out
It was perhaps inevitable that another White House housing initiative would inspire calls from Capital Hill for principal write downs, but a group of Democrats have taken it a step further in not only pressuring the president for write
The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) released its latest Multifamily Production Index (MPI) yesterday, showing a steady uptick in the apartment and condominium markets that indicate future activity for the markets. Increasing from 47.3 in the third quarter
Residential mortgage debt continued to fall in the Federal Reserve’s Flow of Funds report for the fourth quarter, dropping $42 billion, or 1.5 percent. Though it was the smallest drop since 2009, mortgage debt has now declined by $777
The “Echo Boomers,” the upcoming generation of working professionals aged 15 to 29, make up nearly 65 million individuals born between 1981 and 1995, an increase of nearly four million from the preceding “Baby Bust”generation. Clearly, quite a few
Consumer attitudes on both housing and the greater economy appear to be stabilizing, based on the results of Fannie Mae’s February 2012 National Housing Survey, a telephone poll of more than 1,000 Americans that assess their attitude on a wide
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) Director Richard Cordray indicated in a speech Tuesday before the National Association of Attorneys General that his agency is preparing a new list of rules and guidelines for mortgage servicers drafted to better inform
CoreLogic’s Home Price Index, the measure of home values that is used by the Federal Reserve in its economic research, might have fallen for the sixth straight month in January, but it also contributed to what the National Association
There were quite a few features in the $26 billion mortgage settlement in February between the nation’s five largest banks and 49 state attorneys general, but one of the more notable details involved a $10 billion commitment to principal
President Obama unveiled yet another housing-related policy at a news conference yesterday that dramatically lowers interest rates for two to three million refinancing homeowners with Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgages. The policy would modify the FHA’s “Streamline” refinancing option
At this rate, the Ashby high-rise could make a cameo appearance on AMC’s popular drama “The Walking Dead.” After years of protests from citizens and lawmakers alike, Houston Mayor Annise Parker has mailed a letter to the residents of
Default risk for American homeowners fell to its lowest level in seven years in the first quarter of 2012, according to the latest Default Risk Index from University Financial Associates (UFA), with improving economic conditions and pricing being among
Standard & Poor’s released the latest Case-Shiller Indices last Tuesday, reporting a 1.1 percent drop from November to December and a 4 percent drop from December 2010. Those indices, however, rely on nominal prices, not the “real” prices that
We’re reported numerous times on the surging nature of the multifamily market, but a new study out from Fitch Ratings has pointed out a strange contradiction in the market’s performance that calls into question its relative
The REO Initiative, the government-led plan to convert thousands of GSE-owned REO units into investor-managed rentals, has been meet with both tacit and strong support from economic analysts, but Realtors appear to be lukewarm toward the measure, if a
Predicting the behavior of the housing industry is notoriously difficult – even Warren Buffett just conceded failure in that area of economic foresight – but as Bloomberg reports, there have been quite a few signs in the last couple