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NAR Study Latest in Affordable Housing Reports

The National Association of Realtors announced in a recent report that its Housing Affordability Index, the 41-year-old index that measures household purchasing power, was at its third highest level ever after the first quarter of

Freddie Mac: Fixed-rate Mortgages Dominated Refinancing

Freddie Mac released its Quarterly Product Transition Report today, and the report contained several findings on home refinancing, most notable that in the second quarter of 2011, fixed-rate loans accounted for about 95 percent of refinance

Housing Starts Down in July, But Improving, Says Reports

The Department of Commerce released data today on housing starts, showing a housing market  that, despite some low numbers, is showing signs of

Habitat for Humanity Partners with APS Solar on New Neighborhood

The Houston Habitat for Humanity is going green with the help from Alternative Power Solutions Corp., dba APS Solar. Now partners, these two organizations are working towards building 20 residences with solar electric systems to bring Milby Park subdivision

New York Fed: Consumer Credit Improving

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York today released its latest report on consumer credit, stating that credit continues to improve in the wake of the 2008 economic

NAHB Attempts Positive Spin with New Index

In an effort to combat the frequently negative reports on the U.S. housing market, the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) is crafting a new index that emphasizes growing and positive aspects of the

Morgan Stanley’s Thoughts on How to Fix the Housing Industry

America’s real estate market could be on an “unsustainable path,” faced with an oversupply of homes inaccessible to either renters or buyers. That’s what three Morgan Stanley analysts argue in a recent paper that outlines steps that can be

Neighborhoods Within Houston Expected to Expand

Harris County in northwest Houston, which has roughly 400,000 residents, is expected to grow by more than 2.5 percent per year over the next 10 years, undergo redevelopment along its major thoroughfares and add millions of dollars in new

Standard and Poor Downgrades Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s Credit Score

Standard and Poor’s Rating Services (S&P) recently downgraded Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s credit rating from AAA to AA+ because it’s linked to the long-term debt of the U.S. S&P previously downgraded the U.S.’s credit rating to AA+ as

Houston Shows Promise for Real Estate Investors as a College Town, Says Survey

In recent survey of college towns that are promising for real estate investors, Houston is No.

REO Values Rise, Freddie Mac Expenses Cut

Freddie Mac reported $27 million in expenses for maintaining and reselling REOs in the second quarter, as opposed to the $257 million reported for the previous

Despite Downgrade, FHFA Assures Consistency

Despite the nation’s credit downgrade, the Federal Housing Finance Agency assured investors that securities issued by the Treasury and other government-sponsored enterprises (GSE) are still

Federal Housing Finance Agency Requests Bailout

After losing $8.7 billion in the first quarter, Fannie Mae has reported a loss of $5.2 billion in the second quarter. Fannie Mae still owes the Treasury $104.8 billion, but now the Federal Housing Finance Agency is requesting another

NASA Could Affect Houston Real Estate Market

With the end of the shuttle area comes an increase in layoffs. Thousands are expected to loose their jobs as NASA’s space shuttle program comes to a close, and the layoffs are creating a cloud of uncertainty over an

FHA Sells Record Number of REO But Lowers Ceiling on Loan Limits

Earlier this year, Federal Housing Association (FHA) seemed to be in a steep hole when it came to the REO inventory. However, a recent report shows that FHA has sold a record number of REO in June, breaking the

Mortgage Application Volume Up 7.1 Percent

The Market Composite Index shows that the measure of mortgage loan application volume has increased 7.1 percent this week, while similar numbers have moved up and down. According to Mortgage Bankers Association’s weekly applications survey for the week ending

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