Known as the “Title Queen” of Texas, Rachel Luna brings her vibrant personality and unparalleled pizzazz to the title business. “I build relationships with my clients, not just close deals,” says Luna, a principal at Patriot Title Company. Serving clients in Houston, Dallas, San Antonio and El Paso, Luna is an expert in real estate escrow and closing services and has over 20 years of real estate industry experience.
Leading offices of managers around Texas, Luna takes a hands-on approach to encourage widespread efficiency and success. “Having a powerful team pushes our standards to manage our business in a more streamlined fashion that we could not achieve otherwise,” she explains, adding that her on-the-ground-floor style raises company morale and promotes a smoother workflow.
A former top salesperson and Million Dollar Club inductee working with a Houston-based homebuilder, Luna transitioned to the title industry over a decade ago and has since garnered a massive Rolodex of clients through referrals, networking and her social media presence. “I have a knack for connecting with people, and I strive to gain partnerships and sustain long-term relationships,” she says.
To deliver satisfactory service, Luna customizes her clients’ experiences based on their background and preferences, finding a balance of fun and professionalism that matches their needs.
In 2020, for the second year in a row, Patriot Title was named Title Company of the Year by Houston Agent magazine. “This is one of my biggest professional achievements,” Luna declares of their two-year winning streak. “For Patriot Title to be recognized means a lot to me, as we have been working hard for our clients while so many businesses are suffering. We are grateful that others have seen our dedication and efforts.”