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Houston Listing’s Photos Go Viral – Not For Great Photos, Either

Houston Realtor Traye Wise had no idea the photos taken for one of his listings, 5304 Michaux St., would cause such a stir. But with interior photos like the one pictured here (brought to our attention via Swamplot), how

Squatters Exploit Texas Law for $16 Homes

“Squatters,” a term for people occupying an abandoned home they do not own, rent or have permission to use, are sweeping across Texas in droves to exploit an incredible loophole in Texas state law that allows them to claim

Houston HUD Due for a Makeover

New stories from KUHF and the Houston Business Journal are reporting that Washington is dispatching a team of housing experts to Houston to whip the city’s Housing and Urban Development (HUD) office into shape. According to KUHF’s story, Mayor Annise Parker

HAR Releases List of Recommended Candidates

The Houston Association of Realtors (HAR) has released their list of recommended candidates for the Houston City Council Runoff Elections to take place on December

Case-Shiller Reports 0.6 Percent Decrease for Dallas Home Prices

U.S. cities are reporting little change in prices in the latest Case-Shiller Home Price Indices, the monthly report by Standard & Poor’s (S&P) that is the leading measure of U.S. home prices. The newest report, which surveys home prices for the third

‘High Density’ Ordinance Returns with a New Identity

The high-density ordinance, which was Houston’s attempt to stop tall buildings from being constructed near residential neighborhoods, is apparently back on the table, though it’s returning under a different name, according to the Houston Chronicle‘s Nancy

Realtors Give Thanks for Houston Home Sales

Housing in Houston just experienced its fifth straight month of positive sales, a development that has inspired the Houston Association of Realtors (HAR) to give thanks (great timing!). According to HAR’s most recent monthly data, single-family home sales rose

Houston Housing Authority Earns $8 Million from Auction

The auction of more than 170 leftover Scattered Sites properties this week raised $8 million for the Houston Housing Authority. The organization plans to invest the funds in local multifamily affordable housing projects. The properties—171 homes and three home

Single-Family Homes and Condos to be Auctioned Next Month

Houston will have a property auction for bank-owned properties on December 10. Properties to be auctioned includes single-family homes, condominiums, commercial buildings and land

Design Tour Showcases Houston’s Most Architecturally Interesting Homes

The Modern Outdoor Design Tour took place in Houston on November 12., which showcased a total of 13 homes that stand out from the rest for their architecture and design. For $30, attendees were able to view all 13

Houston Receives Benefits from its First Solar Powered Home

Houston recently gained its first solar powered home, and now, the city can boast that 100 percent of energy it produces is renewable. The owner of the solar powered home, Barbara Byrd, attended the annual Sustainable Living Festival in

Texas Association of Realtors Offers Virtual Tours and Floor Plans to Members

Members of the Texas Association of Realtors are getting a new perk – free virtual

Foreclosures in Houston – True Decline, or Data Blip?

Foreclosures in October for the Houston area fell by 11 percent from September and more than 25 percent from October 2010, according to new data from RealtyTrac cited in a Biz Journals piece. In total, banks and lenders filed 3,044 foreclosures

Prudential Gary Greene, Realtors Raised Another $33,000 for Sunshine Kids

The Champions office of Prudential Gary Greene, Realtors raised more than $33,000 for the Sunshine Kids Foundation, a nonprofit that provides free emotional support and group activities to young cancer patients, at the “Fall Fest at the River” event

RealManage Wins 2011 Houston Award in Real Estate Managers Category

Property management company RealManage won at the 2011 Houston Awards in the Real Estate Managers category. The company was chosen as the winner by the U.S. Commerce Association

Montgomery County Wants to Make “Green” the Norm

According to a recent Houston Chronicle article, area builders in Montgomery County have been thinking extra hard about new ways to “go green” in construction practices. In the interest of lowering home energy bills and doing their duty for

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