News / Features

Existing-Home Sales Buck Trend, Rise 2.3 Percent in July

By Peter Ricci Existing-home sales reversed recent declines in July, rising 2.3 percent from June and 10.4 percent from July  2011, according to the National Association of Realtors. Median existing-home price was equally optimistic for the month, increasing yearly

Houston Single-Family Home Sales Rise 27 Percent in July

By Peter Ricci Houston’s single-family home sales roared on ahead in July, increasing 27 percent from last year according to the latest data from the Houston Association of Realtors (HAR). In addition, both average and median prices were up

4 Ways to Effectively Manage Your Clients in Foreclosure Sales

By Peter Ricci Foreclosure sales present significant benefits to potential homeowners, the biggest one being the price – according to the most recent existing-home sales report from the National Association of Realtors, foreclosures sold for an average discount of

Obama’s Refinancing Plan Returns With a Vengeance

More than seven months after its initial unveiling, Barack Obama’s refinancing plan will make a return to Capital Hill on September, as the president renews calls for Washington to assist the nation’s underwater homeowners. The announcement is hardly a

Return of the High Life?

By Stephanie Sims Historically, many of the world’s tallest buildings, like the Empire State Building and the Willis Tower, were built to house offices, but once the idea of living in a massively-tall building grew in popularity about a

Redfin Real-Time Home Seller Survey Explains Housing Inventory Drought

We’ve been exploring the rapidly falling housing inventory for some time now, and though analysts have offered explanations for the decline, we had not yet seen a consumer-driven survey on the issue – until now with Redfin’s Real-Time Home Seller Survey. A

App Review: Sotheby’s International Realty’s iPad App

Capitalizing on the success of their smartphone app, Sotheby’s International Realty has recently released a version of their popular luxury property listing site for iPad users. With an extensive search engine detailing all of Sotheby’s local and international listings,

NAHB Builder Confidence Index Reaches Highest Level in Five Years

The National Association of Home Builders latest Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index (HMI) rose for the fourth consecutive month in August, reaching its highest point in more than five years. A measure of builder confidence for the newly-built, single-family

Shrinking Housing Inventory Threatens Housing Affordability

Housing affordability was one of the hidden jewels of the post-boom housing market, as falling home prices offered prospective buyers one of the best opportunities in decades to enjoy the benefits of homeownership. As the latest quarterly report from

Census Bureau: Housing Starts Up 21.5 Percent in July

Housing starts in July were up 21.5 percent from last year, according to the latest joint report from the U.S. Census Bureau and the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Additionally, building permits, which are the clearest signal for

Towns for Sale – Great Real Estate Investment?

By Stephanie Sims They say real estate is a great investment, but we’re not sure they meant entire towns of real estate. According to the Huffington Post, quite a few people have named the right price and bought themselves

What Would a Paul Ryan Vice Presidency Mean For Housing?

By Peter Ricci It was just last week that Mitt Romney announced Wisconsin representative Paul Ryan as his  running mate for the 2012 election, and already, analysts and journalists alike are combing through Ryan’s voting records and position statements

53 Percent of New Households Go To Hispanic Homebuyers

New household formation increased by 125,000 year-over-year in 2012’s second quarter to 74.8 households, and amidst those increases, one ethnic group stood apart: Hispanic homebuyers. While white and black households declined (by 649,000 and 81,000, respectively), Hispanic households grew,

NAR – 33 Percent of Properties Sold in Less Than a Month

By Peter Ricci The National Association of Realtors’ Confidence Index Report (RCI) is one of the broadest measures around for Realtor business, and the latest index’s finding on average listing time seems to be one of the most optimistic

Foreclosure Filings Decrease 10 Percent in RealtyTrac Foreclosure Market Report

By Peter Ricci Foreclosure filings in July fell by 10 percent from a year ago, according to the latest U.S. Foreclosure Market Report from RealtyTrac. Encompassing default notices, scheduled auctions and bank repossessions, there were 191,925 filings in July,

What Motivates Consumers to Rent or Buy a Residence?

By Peter Ricci It’s one of the titanic arguments in the world of real estate – rent or buy? Indeed, few arguments in our beloved business inspire such fervent support, and few have been fueled more successfully by the

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