Chad Hyams’ 6 tips for converting leads into sales

by Chad Hyams


Chad Hyams is the growth and productivity director for Keller Williams Realty’s Southeast Region.

1. Understand What They Want – Why do you believe that the potential client used your website? Could it be the access to all of the properties currently on the market? No. Could it be the information about community events that you spent days putting together? No. Could it be to see what their neighbors home looks like on the inside? No.

The main reason someone ended up on your website is to avoid talking to you. The sooner you understand they want access, images, information and data without having to speak with you, the more likely you will be to convert the online lead.

2. Respond Quickly! – If you are going to respond (which is the only way to convert an online lead), then do it quickly!

Please do not use a canned autoresponder that lets the potential client know that you will get back to them right away, because you probably won’t. Take the time to create an autoresponder that the client will want to reply to, so the conversation can begin.

Offer them a white paper on homebuying, or a coupon for savings on a home inspection, or access to your hot sheet of properties not yet on the market (if you offer one, you need to have one!).

3. Give Them Something They Didn’t Know They Needed – As mentioned above, give them things they would not know to look for on Google on their own. Furthermore, have statistics they would want that they do not know how to find. Create white papers on challenges that buyers and sellers run into, and offer them to your leads.

Do not rely on your access to the MLS as something they cannot get from someone else. Set yourself apart!

4. Build Powerful Landing Pages – One of the reasons that a lead will stay with you is they find your website easy, clear and helpful (again, without having to talk to you – see point No. 1).

Have a “what is your home worth” landing page. Have a “get our white paper about _____” landing page.

It does not matter what landing page(s) you use – just make them simple, clean and about just one thing!

5. Have a Follow-Up Plan – If they came to you digitally, are you ready to reply that way? Or were you just praying they gave you a phone number and do not know what to do without one?

Create your very own follow-up program, or check into some of the Internet programs that are already created, like Ben Kinney’s “10 Days of Pain” program.

Have a plan of emails that make a potential client want to follow up. Ask questions, give offers, share information with them.

6. Last and Certainly not Least – Take a moment and read The Conversion Code by Chris Smith, as it is filled with powerful tips, tricks and ideas to assist you in converting those online leads.

Chad Hyams is the growth and productivity director for the Southeast Region of Keller Williams, the Voice of Reason for the Internet Marketing Specialist Designation (IMSD.net) and a motivational speaker and trainer for Ember Seminars.

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