Lisa Dempsey is the sales manager of Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene in Lake Houston.
Every week, we ask a real estate professional for their Short List, a collection of tips and recommendations on an essential topic in real estate. This week, we talked with Lisa Dempsey, the sales manager of Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene in Lake Houston.
3. Use an automated email campaign to send holiday greetings every month to your customers and SOI.
2. Keep a stack of postcards with postage affixed in the car. As you drive by a past client’s home or place of work jot down a note about how nice the home looks or that you were in the neighborhood and thought of them today. Drop it in the mail when you get home.
1. Go “old school” and keep a “printed” list of your top 100-200 customers and SOI. Keep it in your smart phone images or tablet photo album. Call or text five of them a day to check in.